Sunday, November 6, 2022

mcq of c programming trendhacking

1) Identify wrong C Keyword below.
    a) auto , int , doulbe , struct
    b) case , register , typedef ,function
    c) else , break , long , switch
    d) extern , char , case , return
2) A C program is a combination of .............
    a) Statements
    b) Function
    c) Variables 
    d) All of the above
3) Which loop is most suitable to first perform the operation and then test the condition ?
    a) for loop
    b) while loop 
    c)do-while loop
    d) none of the mentionned
4) End of file is detected by
    a) fend()
    b) endf()
    c) EOF
    d) FEND
5) Which one of the following is note a keyword in C languge.
    a) float
    b) switch
    c) main
    d) endl
6) Which of the following is not a proper storage in "C" ?
    a) dec 
    b) static
    c) auto
    d) extern
7) By default a real number is treated as a
    a) float
    b) long double
    c) double
    d) all of the mentioned 
8) Each statement a C program should end with ?
    a) Semicoion ;
    b) Period . (dot symbol )
    c) colon :
    d) None of the above
9) The Keyboard used to transform control from a function back to the calling function is 
    a) goto 
    b) return
    c) go back 
    d) switch
10) What is the default C Storage Class for a variable ?
    a) static
    b) auto
    c) register
    d) extern
11) Which type of languge is C ?
    a) Semi Object Oriented
    b) Object Oriented Programming
    c) Procedural Oriented Programming
    d) None of these
12) Break stetement is used  for ?
    a) Quit the current iteration
    b) Quit a program
    c) Both a & b
    d) None of these
13) Is it possible to run a program without main() function ?
    `a) yes
    b) Error
    c) No
    d) Can't say
14)) What is the default value of local variable ?
    a) 0
    b) 1 
    c) Grabage
    d) Null
15) C was primarily developed as ?
    a) General Purpose
    b) Data Processing
    c) System Programming
    b) None of these
16) Size of a GCC or Visual Studio C Compiler is . ?
    a) 16 bit 
    b) 32 bit
    c) 64 bit
    d) 128 bit
17) A register variable is strored in a Register. Where does a Register Present in a Computer . ?
    a) RAM
    b) ROM
    c) CPU
    d) DMA
18) Variables of type auto , static and extern all stored in ?
    a) RAM
    b) ROM
    c) Compiler
    d) CPU
19) Which among the following is a local Variable ?
    a) resister
    b) auto
    c) static 
    d) extern
20) Which among the following is a Global Variable ?
    a) register
    b) auto
    c) static 
    d) exteren 
21) C programs are converted into machine language with the help of ?
    a) Compiler
    b) Editor
    c) OS
    d) None of these
22) Which Committee standardize C Programming Languge ?
    a) ANSI
    b) W3C
    c) ISO
    d) TRAI
23) Which of the following are tokens in c ?
    a) Keyword
    b) Variables
    c) Constants
    d) All of the above
24) Which of the following is the correct comment ?
    a) ** comment **
    b) */ comment */
    c)  /* comment */
    d) { comment }
25) What is the ASCII value of space character ?
    a) 32
    b) 0
    c) 65
    d) 255
26) Difference between ASCII value Upper & Lower case of the same letter is _____ ?
    a) 0
    b) 32
    c) 48
    d) 255
27) C language is which language subset ?
    a) Java
    b) Python
    c) C++
    d) C#
28) Automatic variables are stored in _________?
    a) Stack
    b) Heap
    c) Resister
    d) None
29) The maximum number of argument that can be passed in a single function ?
    a) 127
    b) 0
    c) 255
    d) 253
30)  A pointer that is initialized NULL value is called _____ ?
    a) Null pointer
    b) Wild pointer
    c) Function pointer
    d) Pointer to pointer  

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